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Global Nightfever

On October 29, 2005, the first Nightfever evening took place in St. Remigius in Bonn. What was intended as a one-off evening at that time has since become a worldwide initiative. From New York to Sydney, young helpers who have been trained by the international Nightfever team are committed to helping others rediscover God in their life.

At first, the Nightfever evenings only existed in Germany, then in 2008 the first Nightfever took place in Austria. Since then, the Nightfever initiative has spread to many countries around the world. Besides Germany, Nightfever has already taken place in the following countries:
Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, Denmark, England, Scotland, Italy, Ireland, Spain, Canada, Croatia, Australia, Brazil, USA, Belgium, Poland, Argentina, Thailand, Luxembourg, France, Slovakia, Mexico, Bosnia-Herzegovina, India, Hungary and Czech Republic.

On our global Nightfever map you can see the spread of the initiative.