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Nightfever Bonn

St. RemigiusNightfever

Welcome to Nightfever Bonn!

Das Nightfever am 9. Oktober findet in der Krypta des Bonner Münster statt!

Ihr seid zwischen 16 und 35 Jahre alt und habt Lust mitzuhelfen? Wir freuen uns über alle Helfer, die schon um 16 Uhr vor Ort sind!


  • 18:00Holy Mass
  • 19:00Nightfever: Prayer, Music, Conversation
  • 22:00Night Prayer (Compline)


Brüdergasse 8

53111 Bonn

Nightfever Bonn takes place in the catholic church St. Remigius in Brüdergasse. This is also the Church of the Catholic University Community of Bonn (KHG).

The Brüdergasse is located very close to the Old Town Hall, in the middle of the pedestrian zone.

From Bonn Central Station you can reach St. Remigius in about 10 minutes by foot.

The nearest car park is the market garage, from where it is only 1 minute to the church.

The nearest tram stop is Bertha-von-Suttner-Platz. If you want to get to Nightfever by bus or train, please use the VRS timetable information.